03 July, 2011

What happened to the day?

Today i filled my day with some modeling.

I have been working on a few wagons.

  • QGR BL Sunshine Car
  • QGR MV "Mail Van"
  • QGR OT "Caltex tanker"
  • QGR OV "Shell Tanker"

Well first the BBV I've been working on this for 3 years!
This is a Southern Cross Narrow Gauge Models kit
I got it to the painting stage but an oversight when reading the instructions led to the side steps getting in the way of the bogie when going around corners.
So i removed the white metal ones that came with the kit and proceeded to look for a why to replace them with a suitable replacements.

I got pieces of "H" section that if i remove the bottom webbing and reduce the size of the top  on the same side i have a passable replacement.

Now for the BL Sunshine Car
This is Paget Models Kit
This was one of my purchases from this year's Brisbane model train show.
I have the carriage to about 75% mark. with a little bit of filling and sanding to do.
Today I completed painting the interior.

Hows the MV Progressing?
The MV is a Paget models
Well It has been floating around the work bench for 2 years and i once had it in running condition.
but on retuning from the running season the box i had it in was siting on the floor  next to a 1:1 scale steel sleeper Plate leaning up against the wall. on rolling my Chair back I knocked it and i fell on the box crushing the model:

The body was relatively okay but it on end had been broken off.
The floor and White metal bogies bore most of the brunt.
The floor was cracked up the middle from bogie screw hole to bogie screw hole!
the white metal bogies were super glued together and the the Spring and break Shoes broke off on both bogies. after a few choice words and self anger I proceeded to Strip the paint to repair the body.

Well upon receiving a new  floor from Paget Models (at no Charge i was stunned and I must Thank Rob from Paget models he has been a great help and friend to me and he even hand delivered it to me at Brisbane model train show! After a some advice from Rob that included a few choice words i was told not the stuff this one up.)

The Tank Wagons I have all the bits for but im not touching that till i get my Passenger car and guards vans done.

Ive been fiddeling with this one for a little while it was origenally grey but i am modeling QGR pre 1970 so i sprayed it black and all is left is to decal and put a load in the wagon. (hmm I might tarp this one as these were used for bulk grain.)

In other News, my parents (mother) have decided that the will let my father and build a shed for our trains next to the new patio and extension to our house. at first I thought it was a joke because I have been nagging them to let me build a shed or modify the garage for our trains for years. but it is legit and I will be cooking up track plans and designs of the shed in the remainder of the school holidays (one week left). 

Mean while Thursday nights continue to be B18¼ work nights and so far i have a working mechanism and and tender. I started the front head stock and cab last and they are nearing completion.

This is a project being under taken by most of the member QLD S Scale modelers group. the parts needed and thought on how it is to be don is being under taken at a group level with on contributing to every one getting some thing out of it (all bits need to complete the model)

as far i have the mechanism modification nearing completion and the boiler turning complete so waiting for every thing to come together so more later.

That enough for this rant.

We shall see what happens..... 

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