23 April, 2011

BMTS And about me.

Well after a long period I thought it might be time to have an update.
Well things are going along nicely with my modelling and the S scale QLD group.
With the BMTS 2011 around the corner for those of you who live in the South east QLD come down and support a AMRA Qld Inc. with you attendance. 

On another matter I was given the pleasure of my first effort of scratch building at the top of the Flyer.
(I didn't actually give permission for my photo to be used but because my father was the one designing it I couldn't say no.)

And with that done since the photo was taken I have repainted the loco and rebuilt the mechanism so it is now a decent loco.

Ok a bit more about myself.
I had my start in trains in late 2006 when I found my father’s old Life like train set.
I say trains because I am also involved with many Railway related organisations i.e. AMRA QLD inc., QPSR, QLD Diesel Loco Preservation Group as well a QLD S Scale Group.

After joining AMRA in early 2007 my Father and I attended a number of meetings and running days.
But on the club calendar I saw "S Scale group meeting" this intrigued me.
On that Sunday morning I convinced my father to join me at the club we met most of the group.
Two men took me under their wings Ken Edge-Williams and Steve Malone. Ken first started to teach me (and my father) the skills of scratch building in styrene. At the end of many meeting with Ken I eventually had a body of a QR DH class. On the way home from the meeting dad had to avoid an oncoming car and he swerved. My box of goodies (including my DH) got squished between a heavy box and the car door. I was horrified to find the mangled remains of my loco. When I informed Ken of the tragedy, Ken said "Oh well we can start again" I still haven started my DH 2.0. 

In early 2008, I started to Scratch Build a QGR C19 (the one on the flyer). My first Attempt at scratch building in brass was great way to build patience. After many months I had fashioned (with loads of help from Steve) a QGR C19. It was a far cry from the QGR C17 Brass kits of Southern Cross Narrow Gauge Models. These locos were great in accuracy and running qualities. But I am proud of it even after 3 rebuild and 2 repaints.

So next week will be helping set up for the Brisbane Model Train Show 2011.
Hope to buy some great Goodies and Models next weekend. 

So till then Happy Easter.

Tyler Meiklejohn

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