05 June, 2011

Turning a Bachmann OO scale 45xx (Small Prairie) into a QR PB15

Well in my travels (AMRA S scale group meeting) I was informed that the Bachmann OO Scale 45xx had the same Wheel base as the QR PB15 in Sn3½.

So i bought a Prairie and i finally plucked up the guts to  pull this fine model apart.
This is a fine model but I'm not really into GWR modelling so...

The model came apart okay.

Well because the PB15 is a 4-6-0 I wont need the Pony trucks.
Also the body and cylinders a no longer needed so I discarded them.
What your left with is a decent mechanism. (and less work for me)

What i did today is shorten the chassis and file down the cylinder mount because the new cylinders will be longer than the old cylinders.

That all i got done today between home work and studying  (Block exams next week)

Watch this space.


  1. Will be interested to see your continuing with the PB15.
    Was your profile picture taken at the opening of the rail trail at Fernvale. Was curious about the carriage in the background as the tracks are mainly covered with dirt and grass and it is facing the wrong direction. Was it just brought in for the opening as it is not there now?
    Neil Walker(Volunteer Fernvale Visitor Information Centre
